FBR has successfully surpassed the revenue target of Rs.64.4 billion by Rs. 1.6 billion during July 2008.
FBR has successfully surpassed the revenue target of Rs.64.4 billion by Rs. 1.6 billion during July, 2008. The net provisional collection during July 2008 has been Rs. 66 billion. The recorded growth over July 2007 has been 29.7%. The performance of FBR has been broad based as all the four taxes have recorded double digit growth.
Tax wise position indicates that Direct Taxes have collected Rs. 17.3 billion, Sales Tax Rs. 31.5 billion, FED Rs 6.7 billion and collection under Customs Duty has been Rs. 10.5 billion. The figures are provisional and expected to increase further after finalization.
Muhammad Hafeez Mughal
Secretary PR
Secretary PR
Aug 01, 2008