- Active Taxpayer List (ATL)
- Inclusion in ATL
- Check Active Taxpayer Status
- Active Taxpayer benefits
Check Active Taxpayer Status
Active Taxpayer status can be checked in the following three (3) ways:
Verification through Online Portal
The ATL status check allows you to confirm your Active Taxpayer status.
Check Active Taxpayer status by SMS
Check Individual’s Active Taxpayer status by SMS through the following procedure:
Type "ATL (space) 13 digits Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)" and send to 9966.
Check Active Taxpayer status of AOP and Company by SMS through the following procedure:
Type "ATL (space) 7 digits National Tax Number (NTN)" and send to 9966.
Check AJ&K Active Taxpayer status by SMS through the following procedure:
For Individual, type AJKATL (space) CNIC (without dashes). Send it to 9966.
Having NTN AJKATL (space) 11 digit NTN (without dashes). Send it to 9966.
Check Active Taxpayer status by downloading ATL
You can also download ATL from:
Active Taxpayer List (Income Tax)
The Active Tax Payer's List of AJK is to be considered at par with the ATL (Income Tax) after amendment in the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 through Finance Act 2018.