RTO-II Lahore - Education Time: Illicit trade in Cigarettes- Training Session.
RTO-II Lahore - Education Time: Illicit trade in Cigarettes- Training Session.
Illicit trade in cigarettes is an increasingly serious problem for Pakistan – such cigarettes now account for more than 26% of the total market. Illicit sales have increased by 62% over the past Five years and this black market in cigarettes is expected to grow further. Illicit trade of cigarettes results in estimated annual loss of Rs 20 billion in FBR revenue collection. Therefore, Training session for field officers at RTO-II Lahore was held to re-visit various powers/provisions of Income tax/Sales tax/FED Act to improve enforcement as per law.
Mr.Mohammad Ranjha, an officer from Pakistan Tobacco Company and Mr. Khawar Khurshi Butt, a retired officer of IRS delivered lectures and made it participative.