RTO-I Karachi Team sealed two shops in Furniture Market of Liaqatabad
On Wednesday 21st December, RTO-I Karachi Team lead by Deputy Commissioners Sharmeen Qamar and Saad Ali Siddiqui sealed two shops in Furniture Market of Liaqatabad.
The working on these cases started in February 2022 but the department was facing resistance from shop owners and Market Associations time and again. Liaqatabad (Lalu Khet) has traditionally been a hard area for enforcement so the team proceeded for the action with aid of Local Police Station. However, when the officers started the action mob started to gather and situation started to escalate. But still the two officers took swift action, engaged with association and performed their duty. This activity resulted in Integration of the two biggest cases and Furniture Market agreed to cooperate and integrate other liable cases for integration.