RTO Hyderabad - Chief Commissioner and Officers of Regional Tax Office, Hyderabad visited Badin, Sakrand and Dadu on 11th February, 2016
Voluntary Tax Compliance Scheme
Chief Commissioner and officers of Regional Tax Office, Hyderabad visited Badin, Sakrand& Daduon 11thFebruary, 2016
For mobilizing work force and interacting with various trade bodies and tax bar,Chief Commissioner Dr.Mohammad Ali Saand,CommissionerZone- II Mr.Zahoor Panhwar and Additional Commissioner Mr.Wali Muhammad Shaikh visited Tando Muhammad Khan and Badin.They were welcomed warmly.
Mr.Wali Muhammad Shaikh gave briefing to trade bodies in respect of Voluntary Tax Compliance Scheme.He explained salient features and benefits of the said Scheme. During the question/answer session,queries of the participants on different aspects of the Scheme were answered to the satisfaction of the traders.
In the last Dr.Mohammad Ali Saand,encouraged traders to avail VTSC.
Visit of Mr. GhulamMurtaza Nizamani, Assistant Commissioner, Unit, (E & C) Unit-v ShaheedBenazirabadRegional Tax Office Hyderabad to Sakrand
Inorder to create awareness and under standing regarding Voluntary Tax Compliance Scheme(VTCS) among the traders and business community, a seminar was organized at Sakrand City, District Shaheed Benazirabad Nawabshah on 10-02-2016.
Assistant Commissioner Inland Revenue, Nawabshah RTO, Hyderabad Mr.Ghulam Murtaza Nizamani along with Mr.Amir Ali Keerio & Mr.Abdul Khalique Jamali Inspector Inland Revenue attended the Workshop.
The representatives of different Associations of traders, vis à-vis Cloth, Jewelers Kiryana, Medical, Grain Commission Agents, Flour Mills Association, Iron and Hardware Association and correspondents of different Newspapers / Media attended the Workshop. During the session, salient features of VTCS, its benefits for the Business community
and ease of filing one page VTCS return were highlighted.
The representatives of the Associations/ Business Community actively participated in the interactive session of the Workshop.